Past Events

School Site Council

Date: February 25, 2025

Please join us at 3:30 PM in room G1 where we will discuss important plans and decisions that impact our students success. Your input and participation are valuable as we work together to support our school community.

You may also join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 812 631 0411

Passcode: 983085

General PTA Meeting

Date: February 20, 2025

7 PM7:45 PM on Zoom: only Taylor PTA members may vote, so join Taylor PTA.


No School on Monday

Date: February 17, 2025

Monday is Presidents’ Day holiday.

Parent’s Night Out

Date: February 14, 2025

Take a well-deserved break and drop off your child(ren) for a night of fun with the Millbrae Recreation Staff! Participants will create crafts, play interactive games, and enjoy a provided pizza dinner. Invite your friends, as there is a minimum of 17 participants for this program! Millbrae Recreation Center, 6 PM9 PM, $30 for Millbrae residents, and $50 for non-residents.

Nurse’s Note

Date: February 12, 2025

We continue to see significant numbers of cases of Influenza and other respiratory illnesses in our schools.

The San Mateo County Communicable Disease program has asked us to remind you to keep sick children home.

The guidelines indicate that students who have had a fever need their temperature taken in the morning before medication is administered and have no fever to be eligible to return to school.

Considered to be 100.4 °F or higher, a fever is the body’s way of mounting a defense so conditions are less favorable for viruses or bacteria. Treating a fever before sending a student to school doesn’t permit the body to use this tool.

Please check your student’s temperature before administering any medication, and keep them home if the temperature is 100.4 °F or higher.

Thank you!
~ Nurses Claudette, Jimmy and Julie

Nurse’s Note

Date: February 10, 2025

The American Dental Association designates February as National Children’s Dental Health Month.

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common preventable disease for children?  Children with tooth decay are 4 times more likely to have lower grades and can miss more school days due to dental problems.

Children should brush their teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and floss once daily. Dental check-ups and cleanings are recommended every six months.


Starting in January 2025, California amended the Education Code Section to include transitional kindergartener (TK) students and Kindergarteners (K) to be screened as part of the kindergarten oral health assessment. This is an opportunity to screen children at a younger age for tooth decay and connect them to a dental home.

Attached are the instructions and the form your dentist may complete at either a Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten dental visit.

If you’d like assistance finding a dentist, San Mateo County's flier for oral health resources is also attached.

In good health,
Nurses Julie, Claudette, and Jimmy

High School Registration

Date: February 7, 2025

February 7 was the deadline to register your 8th grader. Registration takes over 30 minutes to complete. more info

Nurse’s Note

Date: February 5, 2025

We are seeing a rise in influenza A cases in our community, making it more important than ever to get your student’s flu shot administered. You can easily get vaccinated at your local pharmacy, saving you a trip to the doctor’s office.

Symptoms include:

Although uncommon, it is possible to have the flu without a cough.

This is also an excellent time to ensure your child is up-to-date on other recommended and required immunizations, particularly as TK/K registration is open.

TKGrade 12 immunization requirements for school in California

For students in grades 56, this is a good time to receive the Tdap booster (can be given any time on or after the 7th birthday), Varicella #2, and the recommended HPV vaccine. HPV vaccine is recommended for routine vaccination at age 11 or 12 years; vaccination can be started at age 9.

Protecting your student’s health is our top priority. Thank you!

In good health,
Nurses Julie, Claudette, and Jimmy

8th Grade Panoramic Picture

Date: January 28, 2025

It takes place today. Order from Mylifetouch or order by paper form. Picture Day ID: by044100t0. Cost is $25.16 ($23 plus tax).

Date: January 20, 2025

School resumes tomorrow.

MEF & Lunar New Year

Date: January 15, 2025

MEF is excited to introduce its exclusive Lunar New Year tote and sweatshirt to celebrate the Year of the Snake!

School Clubs

Date: January 13, 2025

View the clubs that take place during lunch period or after school.

Winter Break

Date: December 20, 2024

School ends today at 12:18 PM and then two weeks of no school. School starts again on Monday, January 6.

Nurse’s Note

Date: December 20, 2024

Happy Holidays! It’s that time when students will be home for the 2-week winter break.

Monitoring your children’s screen time and activities can be challenging during an extended break, particularly when you may not have the time off of work that they have off of school.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends limiting screen time for children based on their age:

The AAP recommends considering the quality of interactions with digital media, not just the quantity. 

Other recommendations include: 

It's great to encourage kids to take breaks from screens!

Ideas for Kids

Creative & Imaginative

Active & Outdoors

Learning & Educational

Other Activities

Tips for Encouraging Screen-Free Time:

By providing a variety of options and creating a supportive environment, you can help school-age children enjoy their time away from screens and develop valuable skills and interests.

Ideas for Teenagers

Creative Pursuits

Active & Outdoors

Social & Engaging

Relaxing & Mindful

Cooking or Baking

Wishing you a wonderful time with your family friends and we look forward to seeing your students back in January.

In good health,
Claudette, Jimmy and Julie

Nurse’s Note

December 20, 2024

It’s the time of year when we are seeing a significant increase in upper respiratory infections, sore throats and coughs, and post-viral rashes. Fun Fact: the rash can appear after the time you were infectious!

As a friendly reminder, students are not permitted to have cough drops/ lozenges/ cold medications/ ointments or creams on campus without a completed Parent/Physician Authorization and Release to Administer Medication form (PDF).  

Your student’s healthcare provider completes page 1, and a parent or guardian reads and completes the bottom of page 2.

detailed instructions regarding the labeling of over-the-counter and prescription medications (PDF)

Communicating with your student’s teacher(s) about their absences and conditions is incredibly helpful. If you’re emailing your student’s teacher regarding a condition that’s communicable such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), lice, or strep throat, please include:

…who will communicate with a nurse.

Friday’s Lunch

Date: December 20, 2024

Turkey and cheese sandwich is served after 12:18 PM dismissal. Students who get the sandwich must eat at Shea Center.

Winter Break

Date: December 20, 2024

12:18 PM dismissal today followed by a two-week break. School starts again on Monday, January 6.

Staff Holiday Treats

Date: December 18, 2024

The holidays are here, and we’re looking for all Taylor Bakers & Chefs!

Please sign up and share your family’s favorite holiday treats—sugar cookies, Gingerbread men, and special traditional treats, as well as your favorite holiday candies—peppermint bark, creamy fudge, toffee, or caramels! We would love your collaboration in bringing holiday cheer with your delicious cookies and treats, HOMEMADE or NOT, to celebrate this festive time of year with our Taylor Middle School staff, so please help us at this festive holiday event.

For questions on these donations, please contact the PTA Hospitality Committee: Jessica Panoutsopoulos and Lorena Ortega (

MEF Holiday Boutique

December 14, 2024

11 AM–5 PM, Millbrae Recreation Center: Millbrae Education Foundation (MEF) Holiday Boutique is back!

This event brings together our wonderful community for some holiday cheer. Last year, we had nearly 400 attendees and over 40 vendors plus food trucks and activities for the kids.

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and our student and parent organizations for supporting this effort. We look forward to seeing you.

A Night of Cinderellas

Date: December 14, 2024

Join us for a special evening showcasing A Night of Cinderellas, a unique student-created production celebrating this timeless tale through the lens of three different culturesChinese, Indian and Peruvian.

Experience the creativity, talent, and diversity of our students as they bring these captivating stories alive.

December 13 @ 6:30 PM
December 14 @ 1 PM
@ Taylor Auditorium

Free Movie Night

Date: December 6, 2024

Leadership class proudly presents Kung Fu Panda 4 at our upcoming Movie Night at 4:30 PM6:30 PM in the auditorium!

This free event includes popcorn and water, but feel free to bring your own snacks, a cozy blanket and don’t forget to wear your comfy clothes/pajamas!

Taylor Music Winter Concert

Date: December 4, 2024

Today, 6:30 PM, Taylor auditorium

Come celebrate the lovely winter season with our talented Taylor musicians at the annual Winter Concert!

This incredible concert will showcase the hard work, dedication, and talent of our students as they play pieces that are sure to warm your heart.

Invite your friends and family for an evening of wonderful music and community spirit.

See you there!

Report Card and CAASPP

Date: November 22, 2024

Trimester 1 Report Cards posted. Please log on to ParentVue then click on Report Cards on left side.

If you would like a hard copy of your student’s report card please reach out to Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Evans and we can print it for you.

If you have questions regarding your child’s grades, please reach out to your child’s teacher for further information.

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) score is also available on ParentVue under State Tests on the left side.

CAASPP has four achievement levels for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics:

If your child scored at Levels 3 and 4, they are proficient or above and they should be proud of their accomplishments. For students who are at Levels 1 and 2, please know that your teachers and school staff are committed to working closely with you and your family to provide the support you need to reach your full potential.

Thanksgiving Break

Date: November 22, 2024

School resumes Monday, December 2.

General PTA Meeting

Date: November 21, 2024

7 PM7:45 PM on Zoom: only Taylor PTA members may vote, so join Taylor PTA.


District English Language Advisory Committee

Date: November 20, 2024

We are pleased to inform you about the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), a state-mandated group that plays an essential role in advising our district on programs and services designed to support our Multilingual learners.

DELAC provides an opportunity for parents, guardians, staff, and community members to collaborate and share insights on educational programs, policies, and resources that impact English Learners (EL). With our district having 51 or more students whose primary language is not English, we are committed to ensuring these students receive the best support possible.

At least 51% of our DELAC committee is comprised of parents or guardians, underscoring our commitment to family voices in de
cisions that shape our students’ educational experiences.

We encourage all interested parents and community members to join us. Your involvement is invaluable as we work together to enhance the learning environment for our Multilingual learners.

Our first meeting is 8:30 AM–9:30 AM, Lomita Park Elementary School. Spanish interpretation will be provided.

Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting all students!

Thankful Treats

Date: November 19, 2024

Taylor PTA’s Hospitality Team served teachers and staff three deep fried turkeys, biscuits, mashed potatoes with gravy, coleslaw, and mac n cheese. Parents volunteered to bring additional treats.

Parents, thank you for your donations.

Thank you so much for your generosity and thoughtfulness in providing such a warm and delicious lunch for our staff. Your kindness and support mean so much to us and truly make us feel appreciated. It’s your thoughtfulness and support that remind us what a wonderful community we are a part of.

With Gratitude,

Taylor Staff

School Site Council

Date: November 19, 2024

Meeting is today, 3:30 PM in Room G1 or on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 8126 3104 11
Passcode: 983085

Next meeting is December 17.

School Site Council collaborates as a team to advise and assist the school staff in the development, implementation, and annual review of Taylor’s educational programs in order to improve the quality of education Taylor provides.

Sojourn Project

Date: November 15, 2024

Nurse’s Note

Date: November 15, 2024

It feels like fall. We’re starting to see students who have upper respiratory infections. Primary care offices, clinics and pharmacies are stocked up and ready to administer Flu and COVID vaccines.

As a proactive measure to maintain a healthy school environment, we encourage you to consider having COVID-19 tests readily available at home. Quick and easy at-home tests can help identify potential cases early.

Every household is eligible to order 4 free COVID tests.

Several brands of tests have extended expiration dates. See if your tests are still valid.

Students Who Test Positive for COVID

Symptomatic/Has Symptoms

Asymptomatic/No Symptoms

Note: Anyone with COVID-19 should avoid contact for 10 days people at higher-risk for severe COVID-19.

No School Today

Date: November 7, 2024

Today is Veterans Day holiday.

Nurses Note

Date: November 7, 2024

Its the days after Halloween and perhaps your student collected a treasure chest of candy. Youve noticed that there’s not a give-a-way collection near you.

What could you do with an excess supply of sweets? A couple of options include:

Buffalo Healthy Living created a table to help identify lower sugar options.

Measure J

Date: November 5, 2024

Measure J issues $95 million in bonds for Millbrae Elementary School District (MESD) to improve and fix their schools. The bond would be repaid by levying $30 per $100,000 in assessed property value. Measure J requires at least 55% yes votes to pass. Click this link then scroll down to the middle of the page to see Measure J details.

Nurses Note

Date: November 1, 2024

Today, please do not permit your student to bring candy to school to share with others.

Celebrating Halloween is a fun tradition with cool costumes, parades, parties, and candy/treat sharing. As you are likely aware, treats can contain ingredients that some students are not permitted to eat for allergy/health/religious reasons. It can be distressing to students who know they cant have these items to see everyone else in their class enjoying the candy/treats and asking them why they arent eating them and feeling different/excluded.

In an effort to maintain the safety and comfort of all students, treats that are brought to celebrate the occasion will be saved and sent home with the students at the end of the day or with them to their aftercare providers. This gives you decision-making choices in the quantity of treats your child is permitted to consume and doesnt openly identify students who arent permitted to consume them.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

In good health ~ Nurses Julie, Claudette, and Jimmy

Thank you for your support.

Taylor PTA presents treats for staff

Happy Halloween

Date: October 31, 2024

Who Wants Class Treats

Date: October 31, 2024

Were excited to kick off our annual PTA Membership Drive! This year, we suggest a donation of $250 per student, but any amount makes a difference. Your contribution directly supports programs that enrich our students learning experience.

The class with the highest participation (based on the number of students, not donation amount) will win a special treat during their SEL/Advisory class!


Thank you for your support in making Taylor Middle School an amazing place for our children!

MEF Fundraising

Date: October 31, 2024

Please consider donating to the Millbrae Education Foundation (MEF) this year! We appreciate any contribution to help us reach our goal of giving the best opportunities to Millbrae kids… and, we have raffle prizes! Donate by today!

General Prize
Everyone who donates by today is entered to win a $200 Target gift card (one winner for each school, one winner for TK/Kinder families)

Grand Prize
For every $900 or $90/month* donated, receive another raffle ticket to win a $900 Amazon Gift Card.
*The monthly plan is for 10 months.

Halloween Costumes

Date: October 31, 2024

Students are welcome to wear their costumes to school. Expectations:

Student-Only Parade

Students may choose to participate in the Halloween parade at lunch. A costume competition will also be available on the volleyball courts following the parade.

8th Grade Commitee

Date: October 30, 2024

Sign up if you are interested in being involved in 8th grade activities. Jamie Casile and Jen Pedroza are organizing 8th grade activities.

8th Grade Information

Date: October 30, 2024

Principal Zlatunich: in this video, I provide information regarding 8th grade expectations and activities for this school year. Key points include high school registration deadlines, 8th grade promotion celebrations, and volunteer opportunities.

A donation of $75 is requested to support 8th grade activities. Include “8th grade” in the check memo and drop off the donation to the office.

Date: October 29, 2024

5 PM7 PM, library basketball courts: Join us for a fantastic evening to connect with other Taylor families and celebrate our diverse community!

We invite you to share a dish that represents your culture or a family favorite. Please prepare your dish in small samples sizes so everyone can enjoy a taste of each unique creation.

Whether you bring food or simply come to enjoy, your presence will make the event special!

If your student is interested in helping out, please have them see Vice Principal Nichols.

Areas that need student help:

School Forms

Date: October 25, 2024

At the beginning of this school year, parents needed to fill out two forms. 50% have filled out the Annual Student Data Update on ParentVUE and 70% have filled out the Parent-Student Handbook on ParentSquare. Please fill out both forms by October 25.

Halloween Dance

Date: October 25, 2024

The first dance of the school year ends at 6:30 PM, auditorium.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Rules for the Dance

What Students and Families can Expect

Volunteers wanted for setup, chaperoning, and cleanup.

October Safety Update

Date: October 23, 2024

Safety Drills
On October 17th, we joined the Great Shakeout earthquake drill, in commemoration of the Loma Prieta earthquake on the same date in 1989.  Earlier in the month, we had a surprise evacuation drill at lunch and the students were well organized and attentive. We’ll be conducting emergency drills monthly, in compliance with the SMCOE sponsored Big Five training.  

Cell Phone Policy Reminder
Please remind students that cell phones and all other electronic devices must be turned off and placed in their backpack from 8:35 AM until the end of the school day. This includes breakfast and lunch break times. Thank you for helping us maintain this important safety rule.  

Lunch Supervision
We could still use more help with lunch supervision on the yard. It is nice to see the kids enjoying the new yard, and more adults increases safety for all. Volunteer.

Lost and Found
Please remind students to go to the front lobby or Shea Center to retrieve lost items and to remember to pick up their sweatshirts and jackets at the bell.  We are still seeing plenty of clothes left in the yard. Clothes left on Fridays will be donated.

Drop Off and Pick Up
We appreciate everyone’s continued cooperation in keeping all of our students safe both in transit to and from school and while on campus.

Bikes, Skateboards, and Scooters/E-Scooters

Boundaries— Obey the Red Lines

For safety reasons the follow areas are off-limits during recess and lunch:

Thank you for your partnership in keeping all students safe! 

Mr. Romer

Vice Principal

School Site Council

Date: October 22, 2024

3:30 PM, in library or virtual: Taylors School Site Council collaborates as a team to advise and assist the school staff in the development, implementation, and annual review of Taylors educational programs in order to improve the quality of education Taylor provides.

Nominations for this committee are now open! Please nominate yourself or a friend as a voting member. Terms last two years. Nominees will be contacted before they are placed on the ballot.

Date: October 17, 2024

Parents of 8th graders, its time to get ready for high school enrollment. If your student wants to attend Burlingame High School or Hillsdale High School, then go to their Information Night.

Mills High School Information Night takes place October 30.

No School Today

Date: October 14, 2024

Indigenous Peoples Day: no school for Taylor, all Millbrae elementary schools, and all San Mateo county public high schools (such as Mills).

Principals Coffee

Date: October 4, 2024

Please join us at 8:45 AM in the auditorium to share concerns and hear updates of the happenings on campus.

8th Grade Info. Night

Date: October 3, 2024

All 8th grade parents/guardians are invited to join us today from 5:30 PM6:30 PM in the auditorium to learn about:

Pinkout Day

Date: October 2, 2024

Today is PINKOUT DAY! Spread awareness about Breast Cancer by wearing PINK! Top 3 SEL classes with the highest participation will win pink ribbon pins!

Picture Makeup Day

Date: September 26, 2024

Picture make-up day is today and is a chance for students who missed the original photo day to get their picture taken or would like to retake their photo.

If you purchased portraits and your student will retake their photo, they must bring the photo package with them to the photo session.

Homework Center

Date: September 24, 2024

Every Monday and Tuesday, 3:10 PM–4:10 PM, room B3, two teachers will assist students with homework.

International Potluck Update

Date: September 20, 2024

Due to low signups, we’re moving the event to a later date. We apologize for the late notice.

First General PTA Meeting

Date: September 19, 2024

7 PM–8:30 PM on Zoom. Meet this years PTA board and approve this year’s PTA budget + calendar. You must be a PTA member to vote.

Healthy Habits for Technology

Date: September 18, 2024

Webinar, 5 PM–5:40 PM in English and 5:45 PM–6:30 PM en Español, register for free

As the back-to-school season begins, its time to bring back healthy habits with media and technology. During summer, many of us spend more time on screens, and reestablishing healthy tech habits can seem overwhelming. Join Common Sense Media to gain practical tips and tools, like our Family Tech Planners, to make it easier to have conversations about screen time and help foster a healthier relationship with technology. Setting rules and expectations early on can support your family's digital well-being, setting kids up for success in the school year and beyond.

Featured Speakers: Tali Horowitz, East Coast Education Director, Common Sense Education

Dery Rodriguez, Director of Family Engagement, NYC Department of Education

SamTrans Potential Disruption 

Date: September 6, 2024

Due to a labor action, SamTrans service is disrupted today. Students who take SamTrans should consider alternate method of transportation. Read more.

MEF Ice Cream Social

Date: September 4, 2024

5:30 PM–7:30 PM, Shea Center: Millbrae Education Foundation (MEF) wants families to enjoy free IT’S-IT ice cream sandwiches while checking out the STEAM activities. Raffle prizes available.

Third Week of School

Date: August 25, 2024

Classes this week follow the bell schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday end at 3 PM.
Wednesday and Thursday end at 2 PM.

MySchoolBucks Autopay

Date: August 22, 2024

Child Nutrition Services would like to remind families to cancel their MySchoolBucks automatic payments for student meals. Please log in as soon as possible to disable this autopay feature.

If you have any questions, please call 650-697-5693 x028.

Free School Meals

Date: August 22, 2024

While the program will offer free Universal Meals for all students, households will continue to be able to complete a free & reduced meal application, which may support the school district’s local education funding and could also qualify the family for additional benefits. Regardless of your determined eligibility status, your child will continue to receive free meals for this school year.

Households do not need to turn in an application when the household receives a Direct Certification notification letter saying that all children automatically qualify for free meals when any household member receives benefits from CalFresh, CalWORKs, or FDPIR. Children who meet the definition of foster, homeless, migrant, or runaway, and children enrolled in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free meals. Contact school officials if any child in the household is not on the notification letter. The household must let school officials know if they do not want to receive free or reduced-price meals.

Second Week of School

Date: August 19, 2024

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday follow the bell schedule, but Friday is a minimum day (8:30 AM–12:18 PM).

Tuesday is Picture Day. Students will take their picture during their PE class; students wont wear their PE uniforms. Order pictures using code EVTKC8HBN.

Thursday is Back-to-School Night. 5:30 PM meet at the amphitheater. Event is only for parents/caretakers. Ask your student for their schedule or view it on ParentVUE.

After the amphitheater presentation, parents/caretakers may visit their student’s classroom. school map
period 1: 6:03 PM–6:10 PM
period 2: 6:13 PM–6:20 PM
period 3: 6:23 PM–6:30 PM
period 4: 6:33 PM–6:40 PM
period 5:  6:43 PM–6:50 PM
period 6:  6:53 PM–7 PM

First Days of School

Date: August 14, 2024

First day is August 15, 8:35 AM–12:18 PM. 6th graders and new students go to the front of school before 8:35 AM to get your schedule. The schedule will be handed out by grade then last name. Existing students starting 7th and 8th grade can see their schedule on StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

August 16, Taylor runs from 8:35 AM–3 PM according to the bell schedule and Millbrae elementary schools have early dismissal at 12:30 PM.

Students should be dropped off by 8:20 AM and in their classroom by 8:30 AM. Students arriving after 8:35 AM are marked tardy. If a student arrives by 8:45 AM go directly to classroom otherwise go to the office for a Welcome Pass.

Do not park or block any driveways, make U-turns or double-park on Taylor Blvd. The primary area for drop-off is in the parking lot on Taylor Blvd. The Community/Recreation Center is not a drop-off nor pick-up zone.

Annual Student Data Confirmation

Date: August 14, 2024

This year, we are asking all families to complete the Annual Student Data Confirmation Update by reviewing and updating their information online using ParentVUE. We ask that you complete this process by the first day of school. In addition to reviewing and updating your child’s emergency form, we have moved many elements of the traditional welcome-back packet online.

If you accidentally started the “New and Former Student Enrollment” square please click “Delete New and Former” button to reset your account and allow you to see the square for “New and Former Student Enrollment”.

Thank you to all the families who have worked to complete this important information for the safety of our students.

6th Grade Welcome Day

Date: August 8th, 2024

10 AM–12 PM: incoming 6th graders will have a student-led tour of the campus, participate in some games, enjoy some snacks, and buy their PE uniform.

10 AM: 6th graders check-in on the front lawn and gather into student-led tours

10:15 AM: parents buy student PE uniform in gym and visit club tables

10:45 AM:  parents enjoy coffee and cookies

11:15 AM: 6th graders get their ice cream

11:45 AM: beach ball competition between the various 6th-grade groups

Volunteers wanted.

Past Events Archive

2023–2024, 2022–2023, 2020–2021, 2019–2020, 20182019